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Allegations Of Misconduct And Ethical Violations At UNFPA: Call For Investigation……


Recent reports have surfaced, painting a troubling picture of the internal dynamics within the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) under the leadership of Executive Director Dr. Natalia Kanem. The allegations detail a series of serious misconducts, ranging from harassment and abuse of power to potential conflicts of interest and unethical practices.


According to the reports, numerous staff members have endured a persistent pattern of harassment, intimidation, and abuse by Dr. Kanem. These incidents allegedly span several years, with some predating her appointment as Executive Director. Individuals who have been perceived as disrespectful or dismissive towards Dr. Kanem reportedly faced severe repercussions, including forced exits from the organization or demotions. The mental health toll on the affected individuals has been significant, with some taking extended sick leave due to the distress caused by the alleged abuse.


One notable case involves Ms. Dawn Minott, Dr. Kanem’s former Special Assistant, who reportedly experienced severe harassment and bullying, leading her to take over six months of mental health leave. Similarly, Ms. Ada Cardenas, Dr. Kanem’s former Personal Assistant, was allegedly forced into early retirement due to similar experiences. These cases highlight a broader issue within the organization, with several other staff members reportedly having similar experiences.


In addition to the claims of harassment, there are concerns about nepotism and favoritism within UNFPA. Reports suggest that Dr. Kanem awarded contracts to her son, Mr. Mandela Gregoire, without proper disclosure of their relationship. This raises serious questions about the integrity of the procurement processes within the organization. Mr. Gregoire, a cinematographer, allegedly benefited from UNFPA contracts during the 50th Anniversary celebration of the organization and the ICPD Summit of 2019 in Nairobi.


Moreover, he reportedly received preferential treatment at various UNFPA country offices, enjoying perks such as accommodation, chauffeured cars, and access to VIP services.


Dr. Kanem’s extensive travel has also come under scrutiny. She is reported to have visited at least 15 countries in the first four months of 2024 alone, raising concerns about the environmental impact and ethical implications of such frequent travel. There are allegations that many of these trips were personal in nature but were disguised as official missions, with the organization footing the bill. This raises serious questions about the misuse of UNFPA’s resources and the potential breach of ethical standards.


Moreover, Dr. Kanem is accused of accepting gifts and hospitality during her travels, in direct violation of the organization’s policies. There are also reports that she used her official capacity to host private events and social gatherings, further blurring the line between her personal and professional responsibilities.


However, the most serious of the allegations are those related to sexual harassment. It is reported that Dr. Kanem made sexual advances towards staff members and retaliated against those who rejected her, creating a hostile work environment. This is a grave matter that requires immediate and thorough investigation.


Reports also suggest that Dr. Kanem’s personal connections have influenced contract and consultancy awards within UNFPA, compromising the organization’s integrity. Personal friends of Dr. Kanem, such as Ms. Susan Davis, Ms. Leila Hessini, and Mr. Djibril Diallo, have reportedly benefited from high-value contracts and consultancy awards without transparent disclosure of their personal relationships with her.


The allegations extend to Dr. Kanem’s personal use of UNFPA’s resources. There are reports that she hosted a reception in honor of a friend, Ms. Julia Bunting, at the organization’s expense.


Additionally, Dr. Kanem’s husband allegedly hosted a private event in Australia, conveniently timed to coincide with one of her official missions. Similar concerns have been raised about her son’s involvement in events during her official trips to the Caribbean, further highlighting the potential misuse of organizational resources for personal gain.


These allegations, if proven true, represent a serious breach of ethical conduct and an abuse of authority at the highest levels of UNFPA. It is imperative that an independent investigation be launched to verify the accuracy of these claims. Such an investigation should provide a platform for affected individuals to testify and share their experiences.


The integrity of UNFPA as an organization is at stake, and it is crucial that these issues are addressed with transparency and accountability.


Civil society, as well as international stakeholders, should call for a thorough investigation to shed light on these allegations and ensure that those responsible are held accountable. The credibility of UNFPA, and by extension, the United Nations, depends on its ability to uphold the highest standards of ethical conduct and protect the rights and well-being of its staff members.


When we contacted Anna Jefferys, one of the communications person at the UNFPA she admitted that the UN takes allegations and improper behaviour seriously by any staff.


“The UN takes allegations of improper behaviour by any staff member very seriously. Per protocol, we cannot comment on these unsubstantiated and anonymous claims at this time”.





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