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Celebrities are not immune to problems including spiritual ones.
In most of these cases, celebrities take their problems to men of God to find solutions. Bishop Chris Kwakpovwe has played host to many celebrities and government officials who are in search of a miracle.
Sources revealed to Society Reporters that a recent annual program at the TBS Onikan Lagos, called Anointing night organized and packaged by The Manna prayer mountain, have a host of celebrities and important personalities in attendance who seek for spiritual assistance and miracle from the man of God Bishop kwakpovwe.

Rev. Mrs Flora Kwakpovwe & Dr. Stella OkoliStella

One of the conspicuous among the celebrity was the MD/CEO of Emzor Pharmaceutical Ltd, Dr. Stella Okoli, who many have alleged to be internally vile over the years.
We gathered that she was at the anointing service to seek spiritual assistance from the revered man of God, and while doing that to also assist the ministry with what she has been blessed with.

She was sighted speaking with the wife of the Bishop, Rev. Mrs. Kwakpovwe during the service at the anointing night, but no one could be sure of the details of their discussion. We gathered reliably that Dr. Stella Okoli has been one of the strong supporters of the Publisher of Our Daily Manna over the years and her unflinching belief for the ministry is second to none.

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