Renowned comedian, Atunyota Alleluya Akpobome, popularly known as Ali Baba, was on Sunday evening honored at the Ojez Forum, where he was celebrated for his immense...
Renowned journalist and former presidential aspirant, Dele Momodu, has opened up about his costly experience during the 2023 Peoples Democratic Party primaries, where he spent fifty...
Governor Abdulrahman Abdulrazaq has announced his agreement to host the 2025 edition of the Best of Nollywood (BON) Awards in Ilorin, making him the first Governor...
November 24th, 2024, the Best of Nollywood (BON) Awards organized a captivating book reading of Do As You’re Told, Baji, authored by the renowned writer Lola...
The endorsements of President Bola Tinubu’s son, Seyi Tinubu, ahead of the 2027 Lagos governorship election have sparked widespread debate, with significant political players weighing in....
The Minister for Youth Development, Ayodele Olawande, has disclosed that the ministry will send a memo to President, Bola Tinubu, mandating all government agencies and parastatals...