News and Report
8 years agoon
“Setting the agenda for delivering change” being text of the inaugural media briefing of the Federal ministry of power, works and housing.
It is no longer news that the Federal Executive Council, the highest executive decision making organ of the Federal Government of Nigeria has now been inaugurated.
That happened on Wednesday the 11th November, 2015 which is 28 days ago.
It is also no longer news that 3 (Three) Ministries or areas of critical public service of Power, Works and Housing have been merged into 1 (One) under the superintending authority of myself as substantive Minister and Mustapha Baba Shehuri (Honourable Minister of State) with 2 (Two) new Permanent Secretaries, Engr. Abubabar Magaji, redeployed from the Ministry of Interior to Works and Housing; and Mr. Louis Edozien from the private sector to assist us.
Since our inauguration we have spent the last few days, getting to know ourselves and our officers, assessing the status of works done in all Ministries, meeting with some of our parastatals and corporations; (which is still on-ongoing) and generally trying to understand where things stand, where the problems are, what can be solved, what cannot be solved, what must continue and what must be altered.
At this point I must express our gratitude to all the Directors, Assistant Directors and their entire staff, not only for the warm reception thus far, but also for their time and the information they have shared with us thus far.
While our work of assessment, and detailed planning and development of workable solutions is an ongoing one that will take some time, we have considered it expedient to make this briefing for the purpose of setting the agenda, owned clarifying emerging issues.
The Agenda
We are not unmindful of the huge expectations of the Nigerian public who voted for the All Progressive Congress message of CHANGE and elected President Muhammed Buhari to office.
But I must say that all of us; government functionaries and citizens whom we serve owe no less an obligation to be fully mindful of the commitments of Mr. President which earned him the mandate of Nigerians.
Hon. Minister of Power , Works and Housing , Mr Babatunde Fashola SAN (2nd right) , the Hon. Minister of State in the Ministry, Hon. Mustapha Baba Shehuri (2nd left) , the Permanent Secretary , Works and Housing , Engineer Abubakar Magaji (right) and his counterpart in Power during the inaugural Media Briefing of the Federal Ministry of Power, Works and Housing at the Ministry of Work’s Headquarters , Mabushi, Abuja, FCT on Tuesday, December 8, 2015.
Mr. President promised to address the challenges of security, corruption and dwindling economic fortunes of Nigeria.
This is the heart of the social contract, because this is what Nigerians voted for.
To hold the government to a higher commitment at this point is to seek to vary the social contract.
My attention has been drawn to some news reports where it is said “that an agenda is being set for us” as to what we must do.
At this point, we can have no agenda other than the ones Nigerians voted for, namely security, corruption and the economy.
We admit that our 3 (three) Ministries have an enormous role to play in meeting this agenda.
We commit all our skills, energies, and collective integrity unreservedly to playing our part, but how much success we deliver is dependent also on the citizen’s commitment to their own part.
If our understanding of our mutual commitment under the social contract is united, our purpose will be united and no task will be too big within that Agenda that will defeat our commonality and unity of purpose.
Clearly good roads will help re-flate and grow our economy, reduce travel time, cost of transportation of goods and services, and restore jobs that have been lost to transport dependent services. They will improve safety of lives and property and our security index.
Predictable, stable, and ultimately uninterrupted power supply will be a critical and defining component of our economic renaissance, job creation, GDP growth and reduction of income inequalities.
Construction of houses will complement the economic growth drive by direct and indirect jobs in the housing value chain from construction companies, to artisans, labourers, vendors and many more.
We are at a point where the 2015 Budget made only a provision of about 16% amounting to approximately N557 Billion for capital spending out of a total budget of over N5Triilion
The first thing that must change is the Capital to Recurrent ratio of the budget, and our colleagues in the Ministries of Finance and Budget and Planning are working on this and they will address you at their own time on the changes they have made and what citizens must do to enable them achieve that plan.
We are at a period when oil prices have dropped from where they were a year ago. We spent less on capital when we earned more from Oil, today we must spend more on capital even as we earn less.
As I have had cause to say before, the budget is the article of faith of every serious nation and government and our resolve to do more capital spending with less resources must be indicative of our seriousness to reflate this economy.
The records that have been made available from previous budgets show that the last time Nigeria budgeted over N200 Billion in a year’s budget for roads was in 2002. It seems that as our income from oil prices increased over the last decade, our spending on roads decreased.
As far as status reports go, the Federal Government budgeted N18.132Billion in 2015 and the Ministry of Works got N13Billion for all roads and highways in 2015, although it has contracts for 206 roads, covering over 6,000km with contract price of over N2 Trillion.
Our ability to achieve connectivity of roads depends on capital spending in 2016 to pay contractors and get them back to work.
Our short term strategy will be to start with roads that have made some progress and can be quickly completed to facilitate connectivity. We will prioritize within this strategy by choosing first the roads that connect states together and from that grouping start with those that bear the heaviest traffic.
As at May 2015, many contractors have stopped work because of payment, and many fathers and wives employed by them have been laid off as a result.
Some of the numbers from only 4 four companies that were sampled, suggest that at least 5,150 workers have been laid as at March 11, 2015; and if we realize that there are at least 200 contracts pending, on the basis of 1(one) company per contract.
If each contractor has only 100 (one hundred) employees at each of the 200 (two hundred) contract sites, it means at least that 20,000 people who lost their jobs can return to work if the right budget is put in place and funded for contractors to get paid.
The possibility to return those who have just lost their jobs back to work is the kind of change that we expect to see by this short term strategy.
In order to make the roads safer, we intend to re-claim the full width and set back of all Federal roads, representing 16% and about 36,000km of Nigeria’s road network by immediately now asking all those who are infringing on our highways, whether by parking, trading, or erection of any inappropriate structure to immediately remove, relocate or dismantle such things voluntarily. This will be the biggest contribution that citizens can offer our country as proof that we all want things to change for the better.
For clarity it is important to say that although the state Governments own 18% of the total road network of about 200,000km, while the Local Governments own the balance of 66%, the 16% owned by the Federal Government carries an estimated 70% of the total traffic because of their length, width and inter-state connectivity.
For those who seek us to compel them to stop these habits of the past, our resolve to do so will be unyielding, because that resolve represents the will of the majority of Nigerians expressed through 15,424,921 votes of Nigerians who mandated our president to effect change.
It seems to us that a social contract is an exchange of promises and actions; so if we seek change we must give it.
From these, we will move on to construction of biggest highways and bridges, sharing the specifics as we go on, with a view to ultimately updating the National Infrastructure Master Plan if need be, which we intend to retail to all Nigerians down to the schools, so that everybody in every State knows what is coming in terms of infrastructure, where it will be, when it will start and how long it will take.
Let me start by acknowledging the decision of Mr. President to appoint a Permanent Secretary from the private sector to the Power Ministry in the person of Mr. Louis Edozein.
I am happy to say that of all the people I have spoken to over the last few days who claim to know him, nobody has a bad word to say about him.
I will need his vast knowledge in the industry to guide our choices and decisions.
Let me also acknowledge the work that the Vice President and his Power Advisory team have done in advance of our arrival to bring increased transparency to this sector by the daily report of the performance of power installations nationwide which I have found most helpful in getting information about what is happening and where. This is also Change in the way things are done
As far as status reports go, it is important that Nigerians must understand where we are, what our role is, and what to expect of us.
Until around November 2013 the Government was the owner of all power assets in Nigeria except a few independent power plants and other smaller assets.
This control was exercised through the Power Holding Company (PHCN) which (a) produced the power – generation; (b) transported the power – transmission; and (c) sold the power to consumers – distribution.
This has changed with the implementation of the Electricity Power Sector Reform Act of 2005.
What this means is that our Government policy like in the Telecoms sector and the Mass Media, has also changed in the power sector, from Government operated to private sector operated and government enabled.
Today, private companies have the responsibility for generation.
Virtually all the generation on the national grid is produced by 6 (six) of the companies which were previously Government owned, 2 (two) international oil companies ( Shell and Agip), and a company owned by the Federal, State and Local Governments (The Niger Delta Power Holding Company , NDPHC), whose generation assets are in the process of being sold to private investors. These companies are the ones called the generation companies of Gencos for short.
There is 1 (one) company owned by Government, under a management contract with Manitoba of Canada and it is solely responsible for transporting all the power. It is called Transmission Company of Nigeria or TCN for short.
11 (Eleven) distribution companies are now responsible for bringing power to your homes. They are the distribution companies known as Discos for short.
They must buy the power from the Gencos, who must buy gas from the gas companies in order to produce power; they must then pay TCN to carry it to their substations, and distribute to the houses in their distribution areas; and this is where the tariff issue comes in.
Power is a product, manufactured by raw material inputs of labour, gas and financed by banks loans with interests. To transport it, the TCN much charge for it; and the price is added to the cost of power which the Discos buy.
This point is important to note because I will come back to it when I address the problems, especially tariff.
As we all know, we took a bold step like this with NITEL and sold licenses to telecommunication companies called Telcos. We did this is 2001 and today we have achieved significant telephone coverage even if some people cannot still afford a phone. That was 14 (fourteen) years ago.
I believe we would be in a better place if we had implemented the Electricity Reform Act in 2005 or shortly thereafter when it was passed.
But we sadly did not do so until 2013 when the privatization was finally completed, which means we lost 8 (eight) years, and we have progressed only for just about 2 (two) years, since the private companies took ownership.
Of course this change of policy which is welcome, comes with its own challenges, human resistance, suspicion, vested interests, learning new things and so on, and all of these are quite normal when things change. It is our responsibility to navigate and overcome theses challenges.
If it is any comfort, countries like Brazil, South Africa, India and Mexico, to mention a few, have passed this same road before and they are clearly better for it. It is now our turn to do so, and we must resolve to make a success of it. We can do by relying on our own recent experience.
Now let us think of where we were in 2003, two years after privatization of the telecoms sector and the coming of GSM. How many people could afford a telephone? Remember that we were all being billed per minute even if we spoke for only 10 seconds.
We complained that the tariff was high but today, per minute billing is now history, replaced by per second billing and all sorts of promo to give customers a choice.
One yeas after GSM came cities like Ibadan, Zamfara, Ebonyi, Bayelsa and Zaria were either not connected or struggling to be connected as we are with electricity today.
Nobody could do more than talk and text on the phone at the time. Today we send pictures, watch Tv and movies on our phone and do banking and other businesses and the scope is still growing.
Some people have “ported” and changed their service providers, and we are all learning to conserve cost because our phones have meters, which are the timers that bill us as we use them; and we get disconnected when there is no credit.
Most importantly, many people have become employed selling re-charge cards, telephones, working in call centres, maintaining towers for Telcos and so much more.
This is what will happen on a large scale, when (not if) we diligently pursue the privatization of power.
Today, we are at a point when government spending on all aspects of power has been significantly reduced on distribution and generation, except for some projects started under the National Integrated Power Project (NIPP).
The spending of government is now largely focused on transmission network and gas supply while Gencos and Discos focus on producing power and distributing it.
Government is now a regulator through the National Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC) which is like the National Communication Commission (NCC) which regulates Telcos.
We intend to strengthen this part of our responsibility so that we can hold the Gencos and Discos to their contracts with citizens.
But before we do that, we must play our own role of providing gas and expanding the Transmission Network.
More importantly as a government and consumer of power through our ministries departments and agencies, we must show example at federal, state and local governments by paying up backlogs of power bills and ensuring from there that we pay for what we use.
Our ministry intends to champion this at the Federal Level and I hope that the State Governors, heads of parastatals, National and Sate Assemblies, the various State and Federal Courts, Local Governments, Military, police, and other related security agencies will find this a worthy undertaking to join and ensure payment of all their electricity bills
I cannot imagine any government today not paying for airtime for telephone use. The truth is that is we don’t pay that business will collapse.
There are a number of issues that beset our Gas sector such as the environmental issue and the availability of gas infrastructure such as pipelines and the issue of pricing which are all the responsibility of other Ministries.
Subject to budgetary approvals and financing, the ministry of petroleum indicates their ability to build certain critical pipelines to tranport gas to the power plants that will add another 2,000 mw to our stock of power within 12-15 months.
Of course the appropriate pricing of gas and it’s impact on tarriff is another matter entirely. If the local market was offering $1.30 per unit of gas (which has been reviewed recently to $3:30 I believe) and the international market is offering about $4:00 and above, your guess is as good as mine where supply will be available and where it will be short.
Transmission Network
Today, the amount of power that is available is slightly larger than the capacity which the Transmission network can support.
Let me again take a little time to explain what the transmission lines are and what TCN does.
The transmission lines are what we locally call “High Tension Wires” which run on high towers across our country over land and over water.
As was stated earlier they transport power and in that sense they are not different from a bus transporter who has to carry passengers. Where we are today is that the passengers, in this case, the power being generated, are more than the number of seats on the bus, and there are more passengers coming.
So we will do what any serious passenger operator must do. Get additional buses to carry the waiting passengers and plan to buy bigger buses for the additional passengers that are on the way, that is the extra power that is coming.
That is what TCN has to do.
We have identified a total of 142 (One Hundred and forty-two) projects of which 45 are at 50% level of completion and about 22 (twenty-two) can be completed within a year.
The budget estimates are known and we intend to aggressively pursue completion to increase the carrying capacity from the Gencos to the Discos.
From there, we must expand the carrying capacity to run ahead of the generating capacity so that in future there will always be capacity to carry whatever power is generated.
By far the most complex challenge is the problem of tariff.
It is complex because it is more in the hands of citizens than in the hands of Government.
The role of Government is to set the tariff and in doing so, Government has committed to what is called a Multi-Year Tariff Order.
This was done in order to attract investors to the market, otherwise we will not have achieved the privatization if the price of the product is not attractive to the investors.
The tariff is the price of producing power. It covers cost of generation, gas purchase, transportation, transformers, staff costs and so on, disaggregated and charged per kilowatt/hour to make the business of power profitable.
What Government did was to spread it over a number of years so that the impact is not felt at once but over a periodic incremental process.
I know that it has been a contentious matter, but I make this fervent appeal to consumers to give us the benefit of doubt, to forbear and accept it.
This will help Government to maintain its credibility with investors, who will then have confidence in the sector and our economy that we are a Government that keeps it words and honour its contracts.
We are optimistic that like the per minute and per second billing issue in telecommunication, the market will plateau and stabilize.
Let me also state that these policies will also affect those of us who propose it in our different homes because we will need power in our homes, and so will our relations. Therefore we are not asking Nigerians to do what we will not do.
The surest way not to have power is to oppose the implementation of the Tariff Order.
For emphasis and clarity, let me state that the previous administration had actually approved the tariff in January 2015, but what they did not to was to fully implement it. They suspended the implementation of the part that affects residences in the onset of elections. After the elections the operators are now asking for payment because they were producing at current tariff and selling at old tariff. This is akin to another subsidy part of which Govenrment has paid.
What we expect to do is to liquidate verifiable and agreed debts that have accrued, approve a market tariff and hold the discos to a more efficient and fair collection system based on the use of meters, eliminate so that consumers pay for only what they use.
The Regulator, NERC, has been mandated to work out the fair market tariff and announce them when they are finalised.
We expect that this to aggressively energise the local meter production, sale, repair and maintenance industry and create spin off jobs for our people. We expect to see the growth of meter recharge small businesses like we saw in telecoms recharge cards and telephone hand set sales
One thing citizens can do, and which they must do, is to conserve power.
If we switch off light points, air conditioners, and other appliances, when they are not in use, the impact of the tariff regime can be contained because we will use less power even if the unit tariff cost goes up.
We have done it with our phones, when we “flash”, to conserve credit we must find the will and motivation to do it with power; because we must pay for what we consume.
The Housing sector presents an enormous opportunity for positively impacting the economy to promote not only growth but inclusion.
There have been a couple of National Housing policies and we intend to appraise the most current one to make changes only if necessary.
Beyond a policy, what is important is consistency of implementation.
Government will lead the aggressive intervention to increase supply, by undertaking construction of public housing and formulate policies that will invariably lead to private sector participation and ownership to reduce our housing deficit.
We are mindful of some numbers about the size of housing deficit. Those numbers need to be verified and we will undertake a process of scientific assessment to define the accuracy of that data as well as the actual demand.
But what those number do for us, no matter how big they are, is that they define our journey for us.
A country as small as Singapore with about 3 million people has consistently implemented a home ownership programme since 1960 and has accommodated 80% of 3 million people as at 2013, but not yet all of its people.
So for us, consistency is key, annual spending is an imperative. We must change the budget for national housing from N1.8 Bilion in 2015 to something in the hundreds of billions of Naira that matches our ambition.
If we can spend N10 billion in each state and the FCT on housing alone every year subject to (a) the capacity to raise the money and (b) the capacity to utilize the funds having regards to our current construction methods and the time it take to complete construction, which our ministry intends to change by research and industrialization of housing.
This is where those seminars and conferences will be useful but not before we at least start doing what we know so that our most vulnerable people can find jobs, before we start trying to improve.
If we achieve this, we will move from where we are now, start construction in all 36 States and the FCT and sustain this as we go along.
There has been a continuous debate about whether the houses should be “affordable”, whether it should be “low cost”, whether it should be “social” or whether it should be “mass housing”.
To the extent that we assume that “mass housing” is indicative of the need to increase production delivery and supply of housing, we understand what it means and we intend to address it.
As for the meaning of “affordable”, “social” or “low cost” we intend to conduct a national survey and get a feedback from our people as to what they want to pay and whether it is possible.
But we must be clear that sustainability is critical to solving the problem. One component of sustainability is that we must be able to repeat what we do, which means that we must recover the cost of houses, even if there is no profit, so that we can build more.
There will be no sustainability if we sell below our cost price.
Therefore, we must agree about who is entitled to a house and what type of house their income entitles them to.
We must also decide whether those who have no income can legitimately expect to own a home, without abdicating our responsibility as a Governrment to increase the capacity of ths economy to employ more people.
These are questions to which our national survey will be directed and honest answers will help provide a guidance for us to give you what you want, and not what we think you want.
Through construction, we expect to address economic commitments of change by stimulating jobs across the States especially for low income people like bricklayers, welders, carpenters, plumbers, vendors, who live on the margins of our society.
We are also considering the re-design of existing housing Roof types to make them ready to receive solar panels for electricity without damaging the roof or cause leakage during installation.
If we are successful, this will open a new vista for local manufacture of solar panels, create jobs at manufacturing, distributorship and installation levels especially for technicians as we have seen with cable Tv, which would not have happened without privatisation if all of us were still watching state owned television.
Of course if we achieve our goals, by complying with our laws, by transparent procurement process as we intend to, by focusing on good governance and getting value for money in government spending, incidents of corruption will become isolated and scandalous in a regime of laws and order; and we will have delivered on the anti-corruption leg of the change agenda.
Some short term specifics
Before I conclude let me address some short term specifics which subject to budget and financing changes our citizens should expect to witness in these three areas of roads, housing and power.
As I said earlier, jobs have been lost in the road construction industry which affected our GDP results and we started talking about recession.
The reason is simply because we did not budget enough for Capital expenditure and contractors were not paid.
As result workers were laid off to prevent companies folding up.
As at March 2015 the sample of jobs losses from only 4 four out of thousands of construction companies is as follows:
Construction job losses
Company 1: Junior staff – from 1800 to 1250, Senior Staff: 550 to 300. Expatriates 500 to 250. However, the situation could get worse
Company 2: local staff: 3000 to 1500. Expatriates: 100 to 50.
Company 3: Total 2500 to 1100 with more to go
Company 4: Local staff 4500 to 3000. Foreign: 250 to 100
By the end of September when budgets had been fully exhausted these numbers worsened.
I could not forget Company 5: whose CEO I met only on Tuesday the 1st December 2015; they had laid of 4,000 workers because Government was owing N3 Billion
By paying these contractors we will restore the lost jobs as an economic intervention of our promise of change.
We will start from Lagos-Ibadan expressway and work our way accross Nigeria gradually.
For those travelling for Christmas regret that because of the budget and financing structure in 2015 that have been explained and it is now only 17 (seventeen) days to Christmas, we cannot honestly promise that your journey times will be shorter this December but we are optimistic that with works hopefully resuming next year, things should improve over the next few months and progress.
The successful implementation of our plan to remove human and vehicular obstructions and impediments from our Higways will signpost the early signs of benefits of journey time improvements that commuters should expect.
This is as much the responsibility of citizens as it is that of Government.
The removal of settlements under federal bridges, along federal highways needs the buy-in of all Governors and the leadership of the Federal Government.
In the housing sector, if we complete our on-going projects, and we get land from the Governors in all states and the FCT to start what we know, using the LagosHoms model, we should start 40 Blocks of Housing in each state and FCT.
We expect State Governors to play a critical role here, by providing land of between 5-10 hectares for a start, with title documents, and access roads or in lieu of access roads, a commitment that they will build the access roads by the time the houses are completed.
We see this leading to potential delivery of 12 flats (homes) per block and 480 Flats (homes) per state, and 17,760 Flats (Homes) nationwide, for a start.
This will mean at a minimum of 4 doors and 2 windows very conservatively per home; a demand for 71,040 Doors and 35,520 Windows nationwide in year one, which we will encourage to be made in Nigeria. These figures are only examples and not fixed in definition and they are subject first to budgetary approvals and availability of finance.
The demand for those who will make and fix the doors and window, the hinges, the wood polish and the paint and tiles suggest the onset of jobs and change for our artisans and workers who are the real builders of every economy.
Out experience in Lagos was that about on every 1 (one) hectare of land where it was possible to build 8-10 blocks of houses, at least 1000 (One thousand) people got employed.
In 2015, the total budget for the power ministry was N9.606 Billion. Out of this N4.476 Billiion was for recurrent expenditure to cover salaries and overheads, while N5.130 Billion was for capital expenditure, supposedly for on-going projects.
This was a significant under-provision, even if it was to complete only 22 (twenty-two) of the 142 (one hundred and forty-two) transmission projects I mentioned earlier estimated at over N40 Billion.
Apart from these there is a 10MW wind energy project in Katsina nearing completion, a 215MW plant in Kaduna and the 3,050 MW plant in Manbilla Taraba State all of which need to be completed.
Our First priority is to get contractors to finish on-going transmission contracts to enable us transport the power being generated to the Discos to distribute.
Our second priority is to ask the Governors to help us identify and enumerate their most populous industrial and commercial clusters where manufacturing, fabrication, welding and related productive work is going on, especially by small businesses and to see how we can use the existing Legal framework to attract embedded power supply to these people who must be ready to pay for the power.
Let me say that in such cases, the tariff may be higher than the current official tariff, but it will be many times a significant improvement on what they have and we will need the collaboration of the Discos to achieve this.
We can move them from self generation with their generators of diesel petrol and noise which costs N48 kW/hour and more, which does not deliver all round electricity, to a place where they will get over 90% predictable and reliable power to run their businesses.
We have a success stories and experience to work with from some successful small independent power projects in places like Lagos, in Isolo industrial estate, Lekki free Trade Zone and Aba to mention a few, and we can expand on these.
The owners of the discos will be expected to give us their co-operation through flexibility and innovative disposition for emergency interventions while they plan and developer their wholesale roll out plan.
Our economy cannot wait indefinitely and suffer job losses.
If we succeed, we can get a lot of workers back to work in cottage and small industries which are the critical driving forces of our economy.
The foregoing represents the highlights of our roadmap to delivering the change you voted for in the short term.
We will be unveiling our medium and long term plans to you in subsequent briefings which hopefully will be regular.
I will like to place on record our appreciation to the legislators especially the distinguished senators for the bi-partisan co-operation, the generosity of time placed at our disposal and by extension the entire country during the confirmation hearings.
As Members of the executive arm we will need more of these type of co-operation to plan our strategy, and get their approvals as may be required; and will give as much co-operation as we can.
Finally it would be re-miss of all of us, permanent secretaries and ministers recently appointed to these merged ministries not to acknowledge and express appreciation for the groundswell of popular support and prayers that have followed the announcement of our appointments.
We understand the burden of your expectations and we pledge to work very hard not to let you, our principal, our country or indeed ourselves down.
Your continued support understanding and prayers will be very strong winds behind our sails as we set forth on this great journey of expectation and change.
Thank you for listening.
Babatunde Raji Fashola, SAN
Honourable Minister of Power, Works & Housing

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Earlier, party staff clashed with thugs and some members loyal to the embattled PDP National Secretary.
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News and Report
Court dismisses suit seeking to legalize prostitution in Nigeria
2 hours agoon
March 12, 2025
An Abuja Federal High Court presided by Justice James Kolawole Omotosho has dismissed a suit seeking to enforce the rights of commercial sex workers to operate without intimidation from security agents of the Federal Government of Nigeria.
The judge held that the prostitutes have no legal rights to enjoy under any known law or the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
In a judgment delivered on Wednesday, Justice Omotosho said that the commercial sex workers were even liable to be arrested, prosecuted and jailed for two years under the criminal law known as Penal Code.
A Non Governmental Organization, Lawyers Alert Initiative for Protection of Rights of Children, Women and Indigent had sued the Abuja Environmental Protection Board, FCT Minister, Federal Capital Territory Administration (FCTA) and the Attorney-General of the Federation (AGF) as 1st to 4th respondents, respectively.
In the suit marked THC/ABJ/CS/642/2024, the sex workers had sought to stop the FCT minister, Nyesom Wike and the Abuja Environmental Protection Board (AEPB) from harrassing, intimidating, arresting and prosecuting them in Abuja.
They asked the judge to enforce their fundamental human rights to prostitution as enshrined in the Nigerian law.
The suit filed on May 14, 2024, through a team of lawyers led by Rommy Mom, Bamidele Jacobs and Victor Eboh, raised two questions for determination by the judge.
It asked the court to determine whether the duties of the AEPB under Section 6 of the AEPB Act, 1997, extends to the harassment, arrest, detention and prosecution of women suspected of engaging in sex work on the streets of Abuja.
“Whether by the provision of Section 35 (1) (d) of the AEPB Act, 1997, women can be regarded as articles or their bodies regarded as goods for purchase?,” the judge was also asked to determine.
The lawyers, therefore, sought a declaration that the charge made by the personnel of the AEPB before the FCT Mobile Court, which referred to arrested women suspected of engaging in sex work as ‘articles’ and considered their bodies as ‘goods for purchase,’ is discriminatory and violated the provisions of Section 42 of the 1999 Constitution.
They sought a declaration that the duties of the Board does not extend to the harassment, arrest and raid of women suspected of engaging in sex work on the streets of Abuja.
They also sought a declaration that neither Section 6 of the AEPB Act, 1997, nor any extant laws of the country, authorise the Board to arrest women suspected of engaging in sex work on the streets of Abuja.
They further sought a declaration that Section 35(1) (d) of the AEPB Act, 1997, does not refer to women as ‘articles’ or their bodies regarded as ‘goods for purchase.’
The lawyers, therefore, prayed the court for an order restraining the AEPB, its agents or privies, from harassing, arresting and raiding women suspected of engaging in sex work on the streets of Abuja.
They sought an order restraining the 1st respondent, her agents or privies from prosecuting women suspected of engaging in sex work on the streets of Abuja under Section 35(1) (d) of the AEPB Act, 1997.
They equally sought an order directing all the respondents to ensure proper application of the provisions of Abuja Environmental Protect Act, 1997, by the 1st respondent.
However, Justice Omotosho, in his judgement, held that the application of the plaintiff was incompetent under the Fundamental Rights (Enforcement Procedure) Rules, 2009.
The judge held that even if it was competent, “the reliefs sought are not grantable and thus, it is hereby dismissed for lack of merit”.
“This court wonders what kind of message the applicant is sending when it decided to bring an action to protect prostitutes.
“A reasonable person would have expected that the applicant would instead occupy itself with developing the girl child and protecting the sanctity of womanhood instead of promoting immorality and the spread of sexual diseases.
“It is indeed shameful that the applicant should file an action such as this,” the judge held
Justice Omotosho also further held that the judgment of a sister court in suit number: FHC/ABJ/CS/971/2019, exhibited by the group was only of slight persuasive authority.
The judge said he was not bound by the decision of the brother judge being court of coordinate jurisdiction, citing a Court of Appeal’s previous case to back his decision
Justice Omotosho, who equally cited Sections 405(2)(d) and 407 of the Act, said “the import of the above provisions is that prostitution constitutes an offence under the Penal Code Act”.
According to him, it must be stated here that fundamental human rights in Nigeria are not absolute in operation. “There are instances which warrant a legal breach of some rights.
“A common instance is for the arrest of a person suspected of committing an offence under Section 35 (1) (c) of the 1999 Constitution (as amended).”
Citing previous cases decided by the Supreme Court, Omotosho held that it was clear from the above authorities that suspicion of committing an offence is a legal ground to breach the right of a person.
“The women suspected of engaging in sex work on the streets of Abuja or prostitutes or vagabonds are by their actions committing an offence and thus their fundamental rights can be legally breached by the ist respondent.
“Holding a different opinion would mean that a person arrested in the process of robbing others can claim to be entitled to his fundamental rights to personal liberty and freedom.
“This would cause anarchy and chaos In the society,” he said adding assuming that prostitution is not an offence in the FCT, the rights of these prostitutes can legally be violated under Section 45 of the constitution which allows the breach of a person’s right on grounds of defence, public safety, public health, public order and public morality.
“It is a known fact that prostitutes are some of the clearest examples of indecency in the society and they are champions of immorality through their immoral dressing, exposing sensitive parts of their bodies, their use of vulgar language as well as the chief culprits in spreading sexual diseases.
“Allowing prostitutes to have free reign on the streets of Abuja will, in no time, destroy the moral fibre of the city and turn it to a hotbed of immorality.
“This court will not allow such to happen,” he said adding that the court was not unaware that prostitution had been legalised in some western nations, including in the Netherlands where prostitutes are now entitled to pensions and other benefits.
“This is not so in Africa. The African Charter on Human and People’s Rights which is one of the Statutes enforced by the Fundamental Rights (Enforcement Procedure) Rules, is clear on what fundamental rights are in Africa.”
He said looking at the preamble to the charter, the culture of Africans must reflect in their idea of what constitutes human rights.
“This philosophy is what is known as cultural relativism in the framework of human rights. The counterpoint to this is universality which posits that human rights should be the same in all places and should apply to persons irrespective of their culture, religion, race, gender or other differences.
“The idea behind universalism is to ensure uniformity in human rights development. Universality of human rights directly led to the drafting of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which is the first global human rights document.
“While it is theoretically sound, universalism if applied would offend the unique cultures of some people.
“For instance, the right to same sex marriage which is acceptable in Western nations like the United Kingdom will be deeply unacceptable to conservative and religious nations like Arab nations.
“Thus cultural relativism means that these nations can choose which of these rights to adopt or not.
“This explains why some conservative nations exercise their right to reservation regarding several sections of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which are in conflict with their cultural beliefs.”
The judge said Nigeria is an African nation with deeply cultural norms that guide everyday conduct.
“I daresay that prostitution is alien and has never been part of our culture. Prostitution or ‘Olosho’ and ‘Ashewo’ as the Yorubas call it, ‘Akwuna-Akwuna’ as the Igbos call it, ‘Karuwa’ as the Hausas call it or ‘Hookup’ as the young people say it, is alien to our culture.
“It has been frowned upon as a deeply immoral act worthy of shame.The fact that civilisation and westernisation has taken some root in Nigeria still does not make it right.
“Even in some Western countries, prostitution is still seen as an immoral act.
“In the United States of America for instance, apart from a few counties in the state of Nevada, prostitution or sex work is illegal in the other 50 states of the US.
“There is absolutely no justification for prostitution in Nigeria in the context of our cultural norms and tradition and in fact prostitution is an anathema in Africa,” he said.
Justice Omotosho held that the prostitutes which the group sought to protect “are vagabonds” and the AEPB is well within its right to arrest and prosecute them as they constitute nuisance in the FCT and are clearly committing an offence by parading themselves as “women of easy virtue.”
“I therefore hold that this application filed by the applicant has no basis and the rights claimed are unenforceable in light of the provisions of Section 45 of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999 (as amended) and the Preamble to the African Charter on Human and Peoples Rights,” he declared.
News and Report
Tanker explosion kills one, injures three in Lagos
9 hours agoon
March 12, 2025
At least one person has died, with three others injured, in a tanker explosion on the Otedola Bridge in Lagos.
The tanker, laden with Premium Motor Spirit popularly known as petrol, burst into flames on Tuesday night, a situation that forced residents and motorists to scamper for safety.
The Permanent Secretary, Lagos State Emergency Management Agency, LASEMA, Femi Oke-Osanyintolu, confirmed the casualty figure in a statement.
“Three adult male victims with severe burns have been rescued and transferred to Gbagada General Hospital burns unit while the remains of an adult male were also recovered.
“All hands remain on deck to extinguish the flames. Motorists are urged to take alternative routes where possible,” Oke-Osanyintolu said.
Earlier, Oke-Osanyintolu said the agency’s Tiger Response Team was on the scene working to bring the situation under control.
He added that the road has been cordoned off, urging motorists to take alternative routes.
In the same vein, the Lagos State Traffic Management Authority, LASTMA, confirmed the accident in a statement.
LASTMA, in a post on X, said the fire affected nearby structures, including a church, residential house, and mechanics’ parks at Otedola under bridge, adjacent to CMD Road, adding that emergency responders were on ground to handle the situation.
“A tanker has fallen and caught fire, affecting nearby structures, including a church, residential house, and mechanics’ parks at Otedola Under Bridge, adjacent to CMD Road,” the statement read.

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