UBA’s REDTV, the lifestyle entertainment channel powered by the bank has premiered its anticipated series ‘13 Kinds of Women.’ The 13-episode Ghanaian series, directed by...
United Bank for Africa’s Lifestyle and Entertainment channel continues to blaze the trail in online entertainment as it pushes the best of Africa to the world....
The Men’s Club (TMC), Africa’s highly-anticipated online series powered by the United Bank for Africa’s Lifestyle and Entertainment channel, REDTV, has emerged the winner of Gage’s...
The buzz was palpable as Africa’s highly anticipated online series, The Men’s Club (TMC), hit the screens for its third season on Wednesday. The 13-episode smash...
Following the immense success of its drama series, The Men’s Club (TMC), REDTV is about to launch its own chat show, Red Hot Topics. The show...
The trailer for RedTV’s anticipated new Series The Men’s Club is out ahead of its October 8th premiere. The series, directed by Tola Odunsi and written...
RedTv, a dynamic online lifestyle channel, supported by United Bank for Africa (UBA) Plc, marked its second year with the REDTVRave, a funfilled outdoor event to...